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SubjectRe: undelet?

>Is anyone working on an 'undelete'-feature for ext2 or better any
>filesystem? I don't need 'rm' replacements, because I want to undelete
>files deleted by samba.

>The easiest solution might by a fs on top of another fs that is fully
>transparent, but replaces 'delete' by a move into a certain directory.

That's *exactly* the wrong solution. Please, get an rm-replacement
(yes, I read your mail), and let Samba use it, after all, you
have the source. There is no reason to have this in the kernel
(another fs)...

It *would* be nice to have ext2fs able to undelete files, but
it's not really necessary, as it can be done in userpsace always,
even without recompiling samba, just replace the unlink call
with a shared library stub, and you have it automatically for the
*whole* system, rm included.


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