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SubjectDoes the K6-PR233ANR work with Linux 2.0.30 and ASUS TX97-XE motherboard?
Here's a quick question...

Is there anybody who is using a K6-233 cpu with a TX97-XE motherboard
and running linux 2.0.30?

If you do: Does it work fine for you?

I'm getting signal 11 errors when trying to compile the kernel on such a

I have 10ns/100MHZ SDRAM memory and everything works fine when I
substitute and Intel 133 CPU and run it at 75Mhz bus speed with a clock
multiplier of 2 (150Mhz wheeee!)

But that does seem to indicate that the motherboard, cache and memory
are all working fine. When I decrease the bus speed to 66Mhz and put the
K6-233 in (with proper clock multiplier of 3.5) then I get kernel
compile errors.

AMD just kind of told me to use an AMD approved motherboard, which the
TX97-XE is not (at this time). So I'ld like to gather some data points
to confirm that others are using the TX97-XE motherboard and the K6 to
perfection with linux.

A quick yes or no will do.


- Jeff Wiegley

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