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Subjectext2fs clearing indirect blocks???

Ok, I shot myself in the foot. I deleted all the files in a directory.
Having shot myself in the foot before, I though "no sweat, pull out my old
friend, "lde" (linux disk editor). This should be a milk run, since the
files were on their own partition with no directory structure (except
lost+found...) , and the whole thing was written sequentially, so there
should be virtually no fragmentation. However, after unmounting and taking
a look at it, much to my horror, all of the indirect blocks had been zeroed,
including the 1x indirect blocks pointed to by the 2x indirect block. This
is about to make recovery very, very annoying, though thanks to everything
being unfragmented and the inodes intact, it should still be doable.

Anyway, this is surely incorrect behavoir. I am useing pre-2.0.31-2 + July
18 buffer patches + make menuconfig fix.

The last time I did something this stupid (well, just deleting one file, but
it was an english paper...) the indirect blocks were *not* cleared.

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