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SubjectArgh.. Oops in 2.1.46


Well, right after my previous message, I tried unmounting my C drive,
and recreating my mountpoint for my dos partition and remounted it as vfat. I
get the following:

aurania kernel: Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual
address 00000014
aurania kernel: current->tss.cr3 = 0005c000, Lr3 = 0005c000
aurania kernel: *pde = 00000000
aurania kernel: Oops: 0000
aurania kernel: CPU: 0
aurania kernel: EIP: 0010:[<c0126463>]
aurania kernel: EFLAGS: 00010282
aurania kernel: eax: 00000000 ebx: c064b840 ecx: c01b37f8 edx: c019566c
aurania kernel: esi: c01acb68 edi: 00000301 ebp: 00000000 esp: c0d37f2c
aurania kernel: ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
aurania kernel: Process mount (pid: 195, process nr: 38, stackpage=c0d37000)
aurania kernel: Stack: 00000301 c0194de0 08050c60 c09e6ccc c0126975 00000301 08050c50 08050c60
aurania kernel: c180fd3d 00000000 00000000 c0d36000 c0ed0000 00000000 bffff520 00000000
aurania kernel: c0d37fbc 00000000 c180fd3d c064ba20 00000000 00000000 c064ba20 00000000
aurania kernel: Call Trace: [<c0126975>] [<c180fd3d>] [<c180fd3d>] [<c010944a>]
aurania kernel: Code: 39 40 14 0f 85 7a ff ff ff 8b 54 24 1c 52 8b 54 24 1c 52 57

From ksymoops:

bash# ksymoops /boot/ < syslog
Using `/boot/' to map addresses to symbols.

>>EIP: c0126463 <do_mount+d3/118>
Trace: c0126975 <sys_mount+299/2e8>
Trace: c180fd3d
Trace: c180fd3d
Trace: c010944a <system_call+3a/40>

Code: c0126463 <do_mount+d3/118>
Code: c0126463 <do_mount+d3/118> 39 40 14 cmpl %eax,0x14(%eax)
Code: c0126466 <do_mount+d6/118> 0f 85 7a ff ff jne ffffff83
Code: c012646b <do_mount+db/118> ff
Code: c012646c <do_mount+dc/118> 8b 54 24 1c movl
Code: c0126476 <do_mount+e6/118> 52 pushl %edx
Code: c0126477 <do_mount+e7/118> 8b 54 24 1c movl
Code: c012647b <do_mount+eb/118> 52 pushl %edx
Code: c012647c <do_mount+ec/118> 57 pushl %edi
Code: c0126483 <do_mount+f3/118>

Back to 2.1.42 amd 2.1.29 for now..

Brad Littlejohn | Email:
Unix Systems Administrator, |
WebMaster, NewsMaster.. Smeghead! :) |
PGP: 1024/E9DF4D85 67 6B 33 D0 B9 95 F4 37 4B D1 CE BD 48 B0 06 93

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