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SubjectRe: Take a deep breath...
On Thu, 17 Jul 1997, Raul Miller wrote:

> A perverse fascination (and a long-term desire for speed) leaves me
> wondering how non-emacs users manage large scale browsing.

Not really hard to do with vi, grep and heavy use of VTs.
Have you ever grep'ed something like 'grep foobar **/*.c' ?
After that, you have at least 10 VTs to edit the files.

btw, this is NOT an emacs vs. vi message, just an 'you can do it if you
really want' one.

And about this thread just one word. I am nauseated by the message that
have started this discussion.

I just want to point out that I have not seen any message from David after
the one in which he told us he is starting to be annoied by the
development. He is not enjoying it any more. I say okay. He is right. If
really he is not enjoying it any more, he have all the rights to
discontinue his work with Linux ... Dave, don't do it just for someone
that is not representative of the attitude of our community.

I feel the Penguin is making his way into the business world, but I think
we have to remember how this project was started. So many people joined
the community when all the various caldera, redhat, slackware, et al.
started to distribute their distributions. Someone of them don't know or
have forgot the spirit of this project. May be we can force all the
distributors of Linux to put a motd in their boot disks that tell novices
and remember old Linuxers what is the spirit of Linux project:

Q: What are you doing ?
A: Hacking this new cake-o-rama driver into the kernel
Q: Why are you trying to do such a stupid thing ?
A: Just for fun and don't call me stupid
Q: I have found a bug in your code, here is something useful for you
A: Thank you, I will see what I can do for it
Q: There is a bug in your code, _you must correct it now_
A: Don't bother me, I have no time, do it yourself or don't use linux

Sorry for being so long.


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