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SubjectRe: Take a deep breath...
   From: Keith Rohrer <>
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 1997 19:59:54 -0500 (CDT)

In "traditional" programming situations, I strongly hold to "*You* shall
comment what you write, especially its interface." It's much easier for
an author to write what he means by his code in natural language, while he
still remembers what he was doing, than for that same programmer to go back
and remember things later, or for a third party to have to figure things
out from scratch.

In cases where the code being added to the main kernel distribution is
"stable" or "perfect and complete the first time", it's sort of okay to
let documentation slide; after all, "it works", and people who need to
figure it out will learn more by figuring it out than by having it told
to them. Likewise, when the chief programmers are viewed as some sort of
gods, you don't want them writing the documentation so people don't
blindly believe the inevitable bugs in it.


All you say is true, and I do encourage the other Kernel developers to
comment their code, and most especially there interfaces more. (I think
I do a pretty good job of documenting the kernel code I write, although
I'm obviously a biased source; I've had other people tell me that they
think my code is relatively understandable and well commented, so
there's so basis for my belief....)

However, there's a flip side to this --- a distressing trend that I've
been seeing --- which is that more and more programmers seem to be
helpless without documentation. While it is a not a skill which most
Computer Science departments teach (unfortunately!), it is extremely,
extremely useful to be able to look at code that may not be particularly
well documented, and figure out What's Going On.

I call this the ability, for lack of a better name, "being able to jump
between different levels of abstractions". It's a skill like any other
where you get better with practice. One of my first and earliest ways I
practiced this skill was disasembling Microsoft Basic on my CP/M
machine. Sure, I had a disassembler which gave me the 8080
instructions, and marked out functions; but then I had to figure out
what functions did, and once I figured out low-level functions, I would
name them and try to figure out higher-level functions; other times
knowledge of basically what a higher-levle function did would be enough
to figure out what the lower-level function did.

The basic trick is that once you figure out a particular function
does, you make a mental model of what it appears to be doing at an
abstract level, and then check your guess by seeing what functions call
that particular function. Some people like to use fancy
cross-referencing tools to look up this information. I personally
simply use "grep func_name *.c". Sometimes, while looking at the
callers to a particular function, I'll need to look at some other
low-level functions which get called by the higher-level function. Then
I try to figure out how the various low-level functions relate to one

This whole process is a lot harder to explain than it is to actually do,
once you get the knack of it. For example, it took me perhaps 10 or 15
minutes to figure out the new dcache interface. However, I probably
spent less than 15-20 seconds at a time reading any one particular file.
When you're figuring out an interface, it's natural to jump around
between many different files, using grep and emacs's search function to
quickly locate relevant pieces of code. In fact, during the initial
stages, if you spend more than a minute or two looking at a file, you're
in danger of concentrating too much on a particular tree instead of
trying to figure out the general configuration of the forest.

The reason why I call this "jumping between different levels of
abstraction" is because as you jump from file to file, you need to
adjust your thinking to an appropriate level of abstraction. At each
level of abstraction, there are certain gaurantees made by the interface
layers surrounding the abstraction layer (both above and below), and the
abstraction layer will itself perform some abstract operation. While
you're focusing on a particular abstraction layer, you won't care how a
lower level function accomplishes its particular task --- only that it
does do some abstract operation which is needed by the current
abstraction level of interest. Of course, later, when you look at the
lower level abstraction, you *will* care how it goes about its job.

Hence, a flexible mind is needed to be able to rapidly refocus as you
jump around. In fact, a very good analogy to consider is how your eyes
look at some particular new landscape. A typical human will let their
eyes skip all around the their field of view, stopping at each prominent
landmark for perhaps 3-5 seconds before moving on. At each landmark,
the eye will focus at the correct distance for that landmark, even if it
means letting other objects (at different focal distances) go out of
focus for a little while. While your eyes are doing all of this, your
brain automatically integrates all of the input so that you end up with
a coherent mental model of what's out there.

I encourage budding kernel programmers to try to develop this skill.
Not is it only useful for Linux development, but I think you will find
it invaluable in your "Real World" jobs as well. First of all, often
times in the "Real World" (as opposed to the idealized world of Computer
Science Courses), code is often not well documented or commented. This
is particularly true since many companies have these pesky deadlines
which cause development staff to cut corners.

Also, even if the code is well documented, the ability to quickly and
easily jump between different levels of abstraction will allow you to
more quickly master a new API and start using it. If any of you
programmers want to someday become computer architects, start developing
this skill right away. Rest assured it will come in handy many, many
times during your career.

- Ted

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