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SubjectTELNET: Linux 2.0.30 -> AIX 4.1.x
     Hello Kernel and TCP/IP Hackers,

I have just noticed a problem that occurs consistently on my Linux
host when telnetting to an AIX box. I use color_xterm -e telnet
aixhostname in resolution 1280x1024 fullscreen (thats a rather large
window) and do ls -l /usr/bin - this causes telnet disconnection.

I shall try to find some time and do serious analysis of the problem
in case it is not an old-well-known bug with a ready-to-eat workaround
somewhere available. Or maybe I just need to tune something in TCP
layer on Linux or AIX side?

Tigran Aivazian.

DST International Tel:+44 181 390 5000

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**********************************************************************{\rtf1\ansi \deff0\deflang1024{\fonttbl{\f0\froman Tms Rmn;}{\f1\froman Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss Helv;}}
\gutter0 \defformat\sectd \pard\plain {\plain \f0 \cb7 \cf0 \cb1 \cf14 \cb1 \cf14 Hello Kernel and TCP/IP Hackers,\
\cb1 \cf14 \
\cb1 \cf14 \cb1 \cf14 I have just noticed a problem that occurs consistently on my Linux \
\cb1 \cf14 \cb1 \cf14 host when telnetting to an AIX box. I use color_xterm -e telnet \
\cb1 \cf14 \cb1 \cf14 aixhostname in resolution 1280x1024 fullscreen (thats a rather large \
\cb1 \cf14 \cb1 \cf14 window) and do ls -l /usr/bin - this causes telnet disconnection.\
\cb1 \cf14 \
\cb1 \cf14 \cb1 \cf14 I shall try to find some time and do serious analysis of the problem \
\cb1 \cf14 \cb1 \cf14 in case it is not an old-well-known bug with a ready-to-eat workaround \
\cb1 \cf14 \cb1 \cf14 somewhere available. Or maybe I just need to tune something in TCP \
\cb1 \cf14 \cb1 \cf14 layer on Linux or AIX side?\
\cb1 \cf14 \
\cb1 \cf14 \cb1 \cf14 TIA,\
\cb1 \cf14 \cb1 \cf14 Tigran Aivazian.\
\cb1 \cf14 \
\par }}t
 \ /
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