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SubjectRe: 2.1.36 can't read
Quoth Evan Jeffrey:

>>Jul 15 16:29:13 maryland kernel: klogd 1.3-3, log source = /proc/kmsg started.
>>Jul 15 16:29:14 maryland kernel: Error in symbol table input.
>>Jul 15 16:29:14 maryland kernel: Cannot find map file.
>>Jul 15 16:29:14 maryland kernel: Error seeking in /dev/kmem
>>Jul 15 16:29:14 maryland kernel: Error adding kernel module table entry.
>It means that when you set up your new kernel, you didn't put the new
> file in /boot directory, probably, or couldn't find the right
>file. klogd tries to find the correct file, but it isn't very intelligent.

Errr, no. /boot/ is in the correct place, and it is the correct version and all that. And the problem isn't really related to klogd, who is just the messenger - looks more like some part of the kernel can't read the symbol table. AFAIK, klogd has no reason to mess with /dev/kmem.

>The best way is to concieve of some briliant naming scheme for your syslog
>files, then add logic to the startup scripts that find the correct file and
>call klogd with the -k option.

Doesn't help, really. For one, klogd is not the problem, and for another, the messages are so early in the startup process that it's really not possible to discover a whole lot of detail by any simple methods... not much has been loaded yet...

>Of course, I don't do this, I just ignore it and use ksymoops.

Doesn't really help in this case - there is no oops message to work with... the kernel just comes up and goes about its business... only noticeable problem being that the ethernet interface on one of the machines behaves erratically - but I'm still trying to determine if that's due to this or due to flaky hardware...

Thanks for the input,


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