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SubjectLimit to kernel opts?
Is there some kind of limit to the number of options you can compile into
the kernel? I just insalled slackware... ftp'd the /slakware tree from
sunsite on April 6th, kernel 2.0.30, and when I tried to recompile support
for my digiboard into it... along with firewall... forewarding.... modules
for IOMEGA zip.... multi other modules... anyway, I have noticed that the
more stuff I try to compile support for ... in modules or directly.... it
never compiles, that is if it even gets past make dep.

My usual routine for a clean, untouched kernel tree from
cd /usr/src/linux
make config
make dep
make zImage
make zdisk

When this works... it allows for LILO, BTW has totally screwed up my
superblock... I think... now bootable only with a disk... as LILO: prompt
is now infinite 04 04 04 04 04's across my screen.

It seems that when I compile support for fewer things... The make zImage
makes it further into compilation, until eventuall I've removed support
for most of the stuff I want to get it to compile.

All of the libraries should have NO problems as I downloaded everything
the same day. The entire system... including kernel is supposed to be a
"matched set" right?

One more little caveat.... Now, after my last reboot... I get this ever so
often splat across my screen..:

cat: can't resolv symbol '__ftp_cgntrol'

Kinda like a mini oops?

Thanks in advance.... Hopefully one of these days I'll be getting dirty in
the code making Linux better and better with the rest of you! That little
language called C is the only thing that's stopping me.... for now. :)


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