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SubjectSome files won't compile
Hi everyone,

I've been following all the instructions on how to upgrade my 2.0.xx box
to 2.1.xx -- and now I'm facing a quite strange problem..

linux-nfs-0.4.21 won't totally compile, I can't get rid of an error in
read.c that there are incompatible pointers types. I can't compile the
net-tools, too, because it can't find some required symbols.

I'm using Slackware 3.1 first upgraded to 2.0.30 and then to 2.1.36.
I upgraded:
binutils ->
GNU C++ ->
Kernel modules -> 2.1.34
libc -> 5.4.23 -> 1.9.2
libg++ ->
Procps -> 1.01
mount -> 2.6g
net-tools -> (can't compile) - need to upgrade to -> 1.32-alpha
loadlin -> (I don't use loadlin)
Sh-utils -> 1.16
Autofs -> 0.3 (but I won't need it)
NFS -> (can't compile) - need to upgrade to -> 0.4.21

I hope someone can help me.

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