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SubjectRe: pre-patch-2.0.31?
On Wed, 07 May 1997 12:26:53 MDT, you wrote:

>Regardless, I think it would be great if we could have a pre-2.0.31
>to test before the official release. That way, people could try it
>out, find the bugs, and get them fixed before the real release. I think
>that if we do not this, we will end up with a 2.0.99 eventually. :-(
>With some well tested pre-release patches I suspect that the 2.0.x tree
>could be declared bug-free (mostly :-) and put to rest a lot sooner.

Perhaps there should be a formal requirement of a pre-version before release of
patches to the stable kernel series. This would allow much wider testing as well
as discussion of proposed features and changes (e.g. kernel structure changes).

This would mean that every 'real' patch would (hopefully) create a stable
kernel. Since there have been reports of problems with some of the 2.0.x series,
whenever I install a linux system from a distribution, I always build a kernel
from a patchlevel I know is very stable.

I know that Microsoft have decided to beta release the service packs for NT
after the large number of problems with NT4SP2 that only surfaced after release.


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