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SubjectSMP failure


Trying to find how why the latest SMP kernel won't work and crashes with
bad code, I note that there does not appear to be a section for .text.lock
in the kernel after it is linked. This is needed for your new spinlock
macros. I am using the very latest tools specified in the Documentation

Script started on Wed May 7 20:53:36 1997
# objdump --disassemble --section=.text.lock vmlinux
vmlinux: file format elf32-i386

There is nothing there!

I must be doing the right thing, objdump can find the .text segment.

# objdump --disassemble --section=.text vmlinux

vmlinux: file format elf32-i386

Disassembly of section .text:

c0100000 <_stext>:
c0100000: fc cld
c0100001: b8 18 00 00 00 movl $0x18,%eax
c0100006: 66 8e d8 movw %ax,%ds
c0100009: 66 8e c0 movw %ax,%es
c010000c: 66 8e e0 movw %ax,%fs
c010000f: 66 8e e8 movw %ax,%gs
c0100012: 66 09 db orw %bx,%bx
c0100015: 74 0c je c0100023 <_text+23>
c0100017: 0f 20 e0 movl %cr4,%eax
c010001a: 0b 05 64 1d 20 orl 0x201d64,%eax
c010001f: 00
c0100020: 0f 22 e0 movl %eax,%cr4
c0100023: b8 00 10 10 00 movl $0x101000,%eax
c0100028: 0f 22 d8 movl %eax,%cr3
c010002b: 0f 20 c0 movl %cr0,%eax
c010002e: 0d 00 00 00 80 orl $0x80000000,%eax
c0100033: 0f 22 c0 movl %eax,%cr0
# exit

Script done on Wed May 7 20:54:55 1997

Shall I change the name of the section to .text_lock and see if it works?
Or maybe there is another problem?

Dick Johnson
Richard B. Johnson
Project Engineer
Analogic Corporation
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