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SubjectLinux 2.1.37-pre4
I'm glad to see SMP is actually working again... It got a stuck IPI right after
the APM messages, but it recovered and has been working fine for better part of
a day. The system boots just fine, but it failed to halt once (I've only
booted 37 twice now.)

Oh, and the kernel builds are still generating:
May 4 18:18:48 dominion kernel: ar: Exception at [<c012f413>] (c019ca8a)
>>> c012f364 T getname >>> c019c318 T sprintf
>>> c012f468 T putname >>> c019d8c0 t common_fixup

(I've got a whole syslog full of them now :-))

Here's the kernel "how fast can you build a kernel" time trials, currently
still running:
>>> dep <<< >>> zImage <<< >>> modules <<<
Max : 0:19.50 Max : 5:39.08 Max : 10:47.36
Min : 0:18.38 Min : 5:35.58 Min : 10:43.02
Avg : 0:18.93 Avg : 5:36.60 Avg : 10:44.72
Num : [38] Num : [38] Num : [37]
Total: 0:11:59.16 Total: 3:33:10.89 Total: 6:37:34.82

If there is sufficient interest on the list, I'll post the two insane shell
(awk, sh, what's the difference?) scripts running this madness.
[make MAKE="make -j2 -s" -s <thing>]

Dominion setup:
Tomcat III Dual P200 (@ 200MHz)
128M 60ns EDO
512K L2 Cache
Adaptec 2940UW + paging + tagging set to 8
Quantum Atlas I 4.3G [L915]


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  Last update: 2005-03-22 13:39    [W:0.032 / U:1.160 seconds]
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