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Subjectnaive question: kernel CVS repository

Hello everybody,

I just have a naive question (no pun intended, no flame war
required). Why don't us establish an "official" CVS repository for the
kernel. This will allow people getting the updates automatically on a
regular basis without having to fiddle with the whole kernel .tar.gz
as well as with the patches (you know, sometimes you just cannot apply
them cleanly, especially if you have 5-10 of them).

Also, it would allow people apply only important patches. For example,
if I am waiting impatiently for a Sony CDU31 driver improvement, I can
just issue 'cvs diff' for this file only and check, whether something
has been changed, instead of downloading every single patch and
browsing through it.

This strategy has been used by the FreeBSD community for ages (please,
don't kick!!!) and IMHO, seems to be a very advanced and easy to
use. After all there is no bad in borrowing the best features of
others' systems.



Alexander L. Belikoff
Berger Financial Research Ltd.

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