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SubjectOops in 2.0.30
Sorry, but I cannot run ksymoops on it it seems. I'm running 2.0.30 without
any patches and got this:

May 25 06:20:01 gauss kernel: general protection: 0000
May 25 06:20:01 gauss kernel: CPU: 0
May 25 06:20:02 gauss kernel: EIP: 0010:[find_candidate+176/244]
May 25 06:20:02 gauss kernel: EFLAGS: 00010206
May 25 06:20:02 gauss kernel: eax: 7e494d5c ebx: 00000804 ecx: 00c5b678 ed
x: 00000987
May 25 06:20:02 gauss kernel: esi: 00000804 edi: 00000183 ebp: 00000400 es
p: 005bcde4
May 25 06:20:02 gauss kernel: ds: 0018 es: 0018 fs: 002b gs: 002b ss: 00
May 25 06:20:02 gauss kernel: Process squid (pid: 330, process nr: 23, stackpage
May 25 06:20:02 gauss kernel: Stack: 00000183 00000804 00000183 00000400 005bce1
c 00000987 00124aa3 00000804
May 25 06:20:02 gauss kernel: 00000183 00000400 00000183 00000001 00c5b5e
8 00000000 00000001 00152e3c
May 25 06:20:02 gauss kernel: 00000804 00000183 00000400 00000008 0000000
1 005bcebc 00c5b5e8 00000002
May 25 06:20:02 gauss kernel: Call Trace: [getblk+803/936] [ext2_getblk+504/556] [ext2_update_inode+164/704] [ext2_add_entry+491/732] [ext2_create+349/360] [ext2_mknod+40/620] [ext2_mknod+116/620]
May 25 06:20:02 gauss kernel: [open_namei+13/980] [open_namei+555/980] [open_namei+780/980] [open_inode+53/204] [ret_from_sys_call+45/136]
May 25 06:20:02 gauss kernel: Code: 39 38 75 24 66 39 58 04 75 1e 39 68 20 74 22 56 e8 4b f9 ff

This was followed by some more over the span of 25 hours until the system
froze and I had to reboot.

Dr. Michael Meskes, Projekt-Manager |,
topsystem Systemhaus GmbH | Phone: (+49) 2405/4670-44
Europark A2, Adenauerstr. 20 | Fax: (+49) 2405/4670-10
52146 Wuerselen | Go SF 49ers! Use Debian GNU/Linux!

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