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SubjectRe: SMP=1, #procs=1 supported?
> I've got a shiny new dual PPro motherboard with a single CPU in it,
> and when I compiled 2.1.40 with SMP=1 (by accident, but
> nonetheless...), it detected 2 processors!

I got this with my Tyan Tomcat II, when my processors got fried by a pair of
dodgy fans, and I had to run with a single borrowed one for a while.
Changing the jumper on the motherboard to single-CPU mode made no difference.
In my case, the kernel crashed as soon as it tried to activate the second CPU,
I think. It was a few months ago, though.

The fans were bought from Simply Computers, in the UK, and they are still
refusing to replace the processors. One of them ran OK in a single-CPU Win95
box, so was declared perfect, and the other was replaced by a year-old
S-SPEC 6 Pentium, which is also unacceptable.

---- ------------------------------------------------ ----
David Woodhouse, WWW:
Robinson College, Email:
Cambridge, Tel: +44 (0) 976 658355
CB3 9AN, (n)talk:
England. PGP KEY: finger
---- ------------------------------------------------ ----

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