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SubjectVersion 2.1.37

I found another problem with V2.1.37. SMP

If I compile the kernel with:

make -j &>World.Log &

The kernel will compile. I can use `top` to see how things are going.
However, I can't log in from another virtual terminal, nor can I
log in from the network.

If I do NOT log out, the kernel will compile and finish. I show plenty
or RAM available, no zombies, etc. I can create other tasks, i.e., execute
commands. However, even when the kernel has been completely compiled and
the system seems idle, I can't log in from the network or another
virtual terminal. If I log out, that's it. I can't log in. Executing
Ctrl-Alt-Del will not spawn the shutdown task.

In the meantime, the kernel is happy. It continues to route packets
over my PPP Line, etc. But even permanent daemons like sendmail and
inetd's chargen, echo, and null do not work although telnet reports
that they are "connected".

It is very strange. I/O doesn't work anywhere.

Dick Johnson
Richard B. Johnson
Project Engineer
Analogic Corporation
Voice : (508) 977-3000 ext. 3754
Fax : (508) 532-6097
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Penguin : Linux version 2.1.37 on an i586 machine (66.15 BogoMips).
Warning : I read unsolicited mail for $350.00 per hour. Supply billing address.

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