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Subject[pre-2.1.37-7] NUMLOCK | BLOCSCORR | CTRL-ALT-F7/CTRL-ALT-F8
When I boot my Intel Pentium 166Mhz the keybd leds are all off (NUMLOCK

Then if I press NUMLOCK or BLOCSCORR from a tty[1-6] the system stall,
the led remain off, I must wait some seconds, then pressing CTRL-ALT-F7
(waiting some seconds) the screen switch to X (that is started at boot
with xdm). Now if I press CTRL-ALT-F1 I find the led NUMLOCK or BLOCSCORR
on, but it hasn' t any effect on the console (is only on the led) and if I
repress NUMLOCK or BLOCKSCORR I have the same effect as before with the
difference that the led is just on.

For two times using [2.1.37] (I think to remember after have pressed at
least one time BLOCSCORR or NUMLOCK) to switch from the console to X I
have to press CTRL-ALT-F8 instead of CTRL-ALT-F7 as usual. Before X change
the console terminal, X crash and xdm is restarted and can be found
pressing CTRL-ALT-F8. With 2.0 this event is never occurred, so I think
is a kernel problem.

The kbdrate under X (not from console) sometimes is changed too (I must
wait more times pressing a button to se the repetition of that button) but
I can' t connect the fact exactly with the events explained before.


Andrea Arcangeli

Debian Mirror:

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