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A little history here first,

During my use of linux-2.0.14, a utility came out across the net called irqtune. I'm
sure you all saw the posts. Well maybe I started all this by reposting it and praising
the increased ppp performance. In reply, Linus, et. al. came out with a series of patches
that changed irq.h throughout the subsequent versions. Now, in kernel 2.0.18, my ppp is
worse than it has ever been, even _with_ the irqtune utility. But, I can't completely go
back to 2.0.14 because some other things were broken.

Here is my solution, I'm going back to the 2.0.14 irq.h in my 2.0.18 kernel, if anyone else
chooses to do so, below is the patch to do it so you don't have to re-download the entire
sources to get one file. (as I just did).

Any comments/suggestions/flames/death threats welcome...


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  Last update: 2005-03-22 13:37    [W:0.034 / U:0.168 seconds]
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