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SubjectRe: Money (was Re: test version of 2.1.0 available (fwd))

Free Software versus money making !?

Maybe the people who are interested in paying money
should ask Linus if he wants it. As far as I can
imagine he wouldn't want it.

And this is quite consequent. As far as I know
the idea of free software is something different. I
can understand that people want to express their gratitude.
I do, too. So I have decided to contribute as much to
the project as I can. e.g. I am constantly trying to
convince people that Linux is just better for many
purposes, I help them installing, I test the new versions
of the kernel etc. And I want to take part in the
development some day, when I learned more about the kernel.

So please consider the basic idea of free software.
The Linux project together with the gnu project etc.
is something very great. It gives me a feeling that
not everything is to be based on making money with
exploiting people. So it's the contraposition to
Microsoft and many many other companies.

Just my 0.002 $ :-)


Holger Krekel
Holger Krekel

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