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SubjectRe: Money
> Linus Torvalds wrote:
> > I _really_ don't want money. You wouldn't believe how frustrating it is with
> > personal cheques from the US - in the best case it costs on the order of
> > $10-20 USD just to get them cached (*), and that's after arguing about it
> You should at least set up a deposit-only internet banking account tied
> to a Finnish bank. From it you can distribute the SHAREware
> contributions amongst Linux's many deserving developers. Linus taking

Or, perhaps easier (unless I'm mistaken): the money sent can be sent by
some relatively secure means (not sure, perhaps fedEx), and be made out
either as a money order drawn in Finnish currency, or AmEx traveller's
cheques, which though embarassing, can be exchanged anywhere abroad in
the appropriate "Change -- Wechsel -- Cambio" booths!

The money order scenario is still a pain, but it puts the pain on the
payer, not the payee (as is, I think, appropriate!). I know that it
*can* be done in the U.S. if you look for the right bank. The AmEx
scenario is perhaps yet somewhat less secure, though easier.



Many swaying trees | For, as Avicenna says in Book I of the
share the breeze | Metaphysics, 'Those who deny the first principle
though they don't know | should be flogged or burned until they admit
| that it is not the same thing to be burned and
seeker of truth | not burned, or whipped and not whipped.' And
follow no paths | so also, those who deny that any being is
all paths lead where | contingent should be subjected to torture until
truth is here | they concede that it is possible for them not to
-- e. e. cummings | be tortured.
-- John Duns Scotus,
Book I, Dist. XXXIX

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