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SubjectRe: Recommended SCSI Card?
> I have a 68030 computer that I am retiring instead of porting Linux to it.
> It has a 1.2Gig Seagate ST11200 SCSI HD and a Teac MT-2 ST-N50 SCSI tape
> drive I wish to put into my 5x86-133 PC. I believe both are supported. I
> am currently running Redhat 3.0.3 and kernel 1.2.13. What SCSI card would
> you experts recommend I purchase? Would an AHA2940 be a good choice?
> Thanks in advance,
> Bob
> --
> +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | Bob Taylor Email: |
> |---------------------------------------------------------------------|
> | A witty statement goes here! |
> +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
This is of course a matter of taste, money and availability in the store.
For what I know the AHA2940 is very good, expensive, and said to be a
little 'nervous' about cable quality.
You have to patch your 1.2.13 to get it to work.

I would like to suggest a actively terminated NCR810 card (Symbios now?)
like Asus SC200. These cards are about as fast and cost about one third.

Second: I would recommend upgrading to 2.0.something (it is some work,
but everybody told me it's worth it - I did it by rm -r /* and installing
from a new CD, because I changed from Slackware to SUSE at the same time).
The Aha2940 driver is in the standard distrib, as are two different
drivers for the NCRs.

Third: download a recent SCSI-HOWTO from 'a sunsite mirror near you <TM>'.
It lists many cards and details about them...
+--+ Hartmut

Hartmut Niemann
Zum Aussichtsturm 18 D-91080 Marloffstein

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