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Subjectsysctl in loadable modules
I have a problem.

I have converted all of the protocol modules that I am responsible for
into loadable modules. I have just started to make use of the sysctl
interface to allow for the easier setting of parameters within those
modules with success apart from one thing, I cannot place the sysctl
directory and its entries into what I consider to be the correct place in
the /proc/sys directory tree.

Let me give an example. If the kernel is built with the AX.25 protocol
stack as part of the kernel, its sysctl entry appears in
/proc/sys/net/ax25 which is the right place for it since it is a
networking protocol. However if using the sysctl primitives within AX.25 as
a loadable module I can only get it to appear in /proc/sys/ax25. I have
tried various hacks to make it appear in the right place but to no avail,
is there an answer to my problem ? If not then I'll have to move the
location of the non-loadable sysctl entry into /proc/sys as well.

As an aside, the primitives required to fully implement sysctl within
modules are not being exported from the kernel, namely sysctl_dointvec,
sysctl_dointvec_maxmin, sysctl_dostring, sysctl_intvec and sysctl_string.

When is 2.1 due ? I have a large amount of work thats waiting to go
into it.

Please reply personally as I don't take this mailing list.


| e-mail: | Telephone: +44 (0) 973 695261 |
| Author of Linux kernel AX.25, NET/ROM and Rose. |

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