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It would seem that Slackware-3.1 is out, it's magically appeared on Was it worth the wait?

I would be forced to say no, after an initial peek. It would seem you
_still_ can't install by FTP. Also, the kernel is only 2.0.0, despite the
recentness of the release. And that kernel has a bad bug whereby user
processes can crash/hang the kernel.

There is no easy upgrade path it would seem. RedHat's rpm system is
probably still miles ahead.

Worse still, SlackWare's habbit of giving Linux security a falsely bad
name could well be continuing. The source directory contained
NetKit-B-0.06, the one with the nasty rlogin security hole. The perl
version, however, is the secure one.

Anyway, if someone installs Slackware properly I'd be glad to hear I'm
wrong and that it's instead wondeful.

Until then, is it possible that Slackware is stamping itself out?


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