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SubjectRe: This mailing list is being filtered for email addresses.
I too received one of the mailings. In response I sent the following to
both the originator and to I just received a reply from
the administrators at the site. They're investigating what steps they can
take against the instigators and what preventative steps can be taken. The
repsonse I sent is modelled after a suggestion I once heard for how to deal
with telephone solicitors. I figure if it works for them it should work for
junk e-mail too.

Here's the text of my reply:

>No, I don't need to hear this.
>Consider this formal notice of my request to be removed from whatever mailing
>list you have me on. Failure to comply will be considered explicit acceptance
>of the following contract.
>Contract between "" and Bruce Thompson. For a charge of $10.00
>per message payable to Bruce Thompson, Bruce Thompson is willing to read
>unsolicited electronic messages. An invoice will be sent automatically after
>each message received to be payed in full upon receipt.
> Thank you.
> Bruce Thompson


Bruce Thompson | "Rumors of our death have been greatly
Developer Technical Support | exaggerated."
Newton Systems Group | - Employees of Apple Computer, Inc.
Apple Computer, Inc. | | "Don't believe half of what you hear, | and most of what you read in the papers" | - Me

I don't speak for Apple, my opinions are strictly my own.

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