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Subjectstrange problems with 1.99.14

Since I installed 1.99.14 last night, I've had some strange problems...

Jun 8 13:29:13 uplift syslog: open of pid-file failed: Permission denied
Jun 8 13:29:44 uplift last message repeated 6 times
Jun 8 13:30:46 uplift last message repeated 12 times
Jun 8 13:31:47 uplift last message repeated 12 times
Jun 8 13:32:49 uplift last message repeated 12 times
Jun 8 13:33:51 uplift last message repeated 12 times
Jun 8 13:34:25 uplift last message repeated 3 times
Jun 8 13:55:06 uplift syslog: open of pid-file failed: Permission denied
Jun 8 14:02:09 uplift syslog: open of pid-file failed: Permission denied
Jun 8 14:06:32 uplift syslog: open of pid-file failed: Permission denied

At 13:34 I chgrouped the file from root,users to root,root which stopped
it. Once before I did that, but then it started again, even with the file
being root,root.

At 13:55 and 14:02 I have no idea what happened. I returned to the
computer at 13:55 after doing other stuff for about 15 minutes. Could it
be that this thing happens during swapping or something?
I've never had any of these problems before with older kernels.
There might be a correspondance with loggings to syslog and this. my
mail.log seems to indicate this, but it's not reproducable. I use the
syslogd from slack 2.3, and I tried finding a newer one, but couldnt.

As well as this, I've had netscape 2.01 crash on me with signal 7 a couple
of times, on sites which there never were problems with before.

I have a util listing people using a daemon of mine, which doesnt work
anymore either.

I just wanted to report this in case there are other people who have
similar problems. I'm sorry I can't specify them better than this, but I'm
really baffeled.

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