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SubjectA Non-kernel hackers struggle...
 I have been using Linux and subscribing to linux-kernel for many years
now. I have never posted (until now) cause I know my problems are my own
fault, and given time... I will figure them out or end up reading a
message telling me what I need to do. My main reason for subscribing to
linux-kernel was to get the feed of information from Linus and others
about new kernel revs... what was broken that is now fixed... What new
features are availiable or are being worked on... Things I need to know to
keep my linux systems happy.
All the information I crave seems to have migrated to some other (perhaps
private) list. And I can understand that after reading a few hundred
messages about broken flock stuff that should have been cleared up by
reading the important messages in the first place. All all the other
off-topic BS that gets posted to this list, and then mailed to god and
everyone. Stopping all noise (or filtering out the noise) is on the same
order of difficulty as the peace process in the Mid-East, so I'm not even
going to attack it (with this message, I'm adding to it :-).
But I'm still looking for a feed of information for the avid reader. A
linux-readonly or linux-kernel-nobs. I don't need a place to cry about my
libc needing upgrading, I have that... it's called linux-kernel.
I need a place where I can _listen_ to what is going on in the
kernel-development world. What the new kernel fixes. When is a new
kernel available. Where do I look?

-Darren Crane

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