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SubjectRe: inodes ? kernel problem
At 11:50 06/15/96, wrote:
> Is there a program available that will match inode
> numbers to a file, so that I can see which inodes a file
> is using ?
> I ask this as since upgrading beyond about pre2.0.7
> I always get deleted inode errors on my root partition
> when rebooting.
> I always e2fsck each partition during reboot, as I am continually
> changing things :-) .
> These errors also occur if the root partition is checked before
> reboot, but are not repeated then during reboot. I hope this is
> clear..

The 'ls' command will list the inode numbers with the '-i' option. The
will list a directory along with the inode numbers associated with the

Your question betrays some misunderstanding of how filesystems are
organized. A file is a set of blocks (okay, that was obvious). An inode is
used to keep track of what blocks belong to a file, when the file was
created/modified/accessed, the permissions on the file, etc. A crucial
point: each file is associated with exactly one inode. A directory entry
does nothing more than map a name to an inode. An inode may be referenced
by more than one directory entry (that's what a hard link is).

There is no utility that I know of that will map the entire space of
inodes onto the names they are referenced by.

Having a lot of deleted inodes at boot time sounds like you may not be
shutting down properly and your filesystems aren't being synced correctly.
Other than that I couldn't say.


Bruce Thompson | "Rumors of our death have been greatly
Developer Technical Support | exaggerated."
Newton Systems Group | - Employees of Apple Computer, Inc.
Apple Computer, Inc. | | "Don't believe half of what you hear, | and most of what you read in the papers" | - Me

I don't speak for Apple, my opinions are strictly my own.

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