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SubjectRe: Boot messages (Was: Re: Ideas for v2.1)
On Tue, 11 Jun 1996, Cees de Groot wrote:

> said:
> > o Making the below messages optional. These are nice for
> > distribution packages, but most people don't change their hardware
> > that often to make it worthwhile each time you boot-up.
> > This processor honours the WP bit even when in supervisor mode. Good.
> > Checking 386/387 coupling... Ok, fpu using exception 16 error
> > reporting. Checking 'hlt' instruction... Ok.
> IMO that's the only thing left that SCO does better: it just builds a small
> table on your monitor telling you that it detected your hardware and where it
> resides, and nothing else. I vote for suppressing _all_ this mess unless
> somebody boots with the ``verbose'' option. Something like:
> bootmsg=silent - Say nothing
> bootmsg=default - Show a summary
> bootmsg=verbose - Show what it shows now
> Summary could look like:
> Proc 1: 486 (GENUINE INTEL)
> Memory: 24Mb mem, 23200k left, 256k cache
> PCI bus: <chipset info>
> Video: S3 <hardware info>
> SCSI: NCR <hardware info>
> bus 0 id 1 lun 0: CD-ROM Toshiba (scd0)
> bus 0 id 3 lun 0: DISK Seagate (sda)
> bus 0 id 5 lun 0: DISK Quantum (sdb)
> bus 0 id 6 lun 0: TAPE WangDAT (st0)
> or something more tabular. All in all one line per hardware item detected,
> nothing more (and nothing less - I'd like to know that everything is still
> alive).
> Kernel interface: depending on bootmsg level, printk is silenced (until, say,
> init is run); an extra call show_hardware() builds the summary table (or is
> converted to plain printk if bootmsg=verbose).
> --
> Cees de Groot <>
> OpenLink Software, Inc.

Hey, I really like the idea, but I have seen _really_ nice Amiga boot
screens. Even though they were graphical, we could make a similar
table... Here is one quickly thought up from my dmesg output:



Booting : Kernel #1 Linux version 2.0.0 [trn@bluebox]
Processor: 0: Intel i586 75+ Mhz [47.92 BMIPS]
Memory : 32768kB total 31008kB free
Network : C/SLIP PPP 3c509
Serial : tty01 0x02f8, IRQ 3 16550A UART
Parallel : lp1 0x0378 polling
SCSI : aha152x detected 0x140, 10, 7, 1, 1, 0, 100
Storage : ide: 430FX (Triton) on PCI bus 0 function 57
hda: Conner Peripherals 1275MB 256kB cache
hdb: WDC AC31000H 1033MB 128kB cache
hdc: Maxtor 7080AT 82MB 32kB cache
fd0: 1.44M floppy 1.44MB
fd1: 1.2MB floppy 1.2MB
sda: IOMEGA ZIP 100 96MB 0.1GB
Audio : SoundBlaster 16 4.12 Yamaha OPL3 FM
Misc : PS/2 AUX, Watchdog, Pentium memcpy()


That would fit in a nice 19 lines, and some people have have more or less
floppies. Hopefully, this would fill in as the kernel boots. That would
be very nice. Now, however, their would be a need for drivers to register
themselves to print output nicely in their proper section, but this could
be achieved.

What would also be great was if the background could be made blue and the
foreground white. I know, I know, a Windows NT ripoff, but that I the
one thing I like about that operating system.


Jeff Johnson GCS d- s: !a C+++ UA++(+++) P+ L+ E---- W+++ N+++(+++++) K- w(+) O(-)
KE4QWX M- V-(--) PS+ PE Y++ PGP+++(+++++) t- 5 X+++(+++++) R tv+ b++ DI-- D G++ e* !h r y?
Nerdity Test = 66% Hacker Test = 45%
1024/3397E001 1995/06/10 5B 92 8B 34 84 E9 42 26 DC FB F7 C4 1E 0E 80 29

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