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SubjectRe: Ideas for v2.1
On Mon, 10 Jun 1996, Aaron Tiensivu wrote:


> o 'qdep' replacing the normal 'dep'

and/or an option to use something other than (g)awk for make dep. On a
machine without a hardware FPU, the dep stage takes WAYYYYYYY too long.


> o Making the below messages optional. These are nice for distribution
> packages, but most people don't change their hardware that often to make it
> worthwhile each time you boot-up.
> This processor honours the WP bit even when in supervisor mode. Good.
> Checking 386/387 coupling... Ok, fpu using exception 16 error reporting.
> Checking 'hlt' instruction... Ok.

Only if they are ALWAYS printed on ANY failure


> o Keeping the name 'linux' instead of 'lignux'



> o Centralized parallel port interface for plip, lp, zip, etc, much like
> what 8390.c does now. Reduces code duplication.

In addition, having a way of multiple things trying to use the hardware at
once or being able to read that the port is in use by some other thing.
This would fix some of the need to run modules (Although I love them) to
use both lp.c and plip.c

> o Only re-make modules if necessary



> o This might sound campy, but it might be useful. Colorization of some of
> the boot-up displays. This way, you don't end up with the added waste
> of a graphical display [like Win95], but it still looks a little more
> 'jazzier'. Whether this is possible at all, I'm not sure. It just popped
> in my head.

Might be a good idea. But you would have to plug into the card detection code
so that if it detects a MONO, it doesn't try to color anything.

In addition to the above:

Re-write 'update' (or eliminate it alltogether) so that it can be APM aware for
laptops. (I realize that this is ix86 specific).


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