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SubjectRe: SVGA kernel chipset drivers. (yes, again)

On Tue, 11 Jun 1996, Jon Tombs wrote:

> - If you are going to try and use an existing standard, try the Windows NT
> drivers, they are the only 32 bit drivers that you can demand from your
> card vendor.
I was curious about this and was looking into reverse engineering the
Win95 drivers to work under linux... and the feasability of creating a
generic ggi driver to use a random win driver..... hmm as long as you camn
identify the code somehow within the module you should be able to
dynamically load it and call it from either the kernle or a setuid
program... it might actually require kernel suport if they mnake any calls
more complex than ioport to comuniquate with the card.... in any case it
shouldnt matter to much as it will look the same to GGI apps (Like an X
Server) whether the lib is calling a kernel module or a userspace
dynamically loaded win95/NT driver....(thats the beauty of it all..) in
any case its a hack. hack hack hack... but it could be useful... and hacks
are fun.. but it probably should be discussed on the GGI list if at all as
that is what it would have to integrate with eventually anyway.....

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