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SubjectRe: Linux logo
Someone wrote:
> Or how about the penguin throwing an obviously dazed BSD daemon through
> that silly multicolored window (with the bits falling off)..... killing
> two birds with one stone, so to speak.

Marcelo Zacarias wrote:
>Don't know... IMO we shouldn't taunt the BSD people. They do a good
>job. I think M$ is a better candidate. What I'd like to see is something
>like the Walter Lantz's Chilly Willy penguin emerging(?) from a
>broken window.

I guess I just like the idea of the Pengiun with boxing gloves itself. Why
do we need to make it aim specifically at one OS? Granted, it is "vogue"
to kick around Microsoft, but like others have mentioned: until Linux
gets a larger user base with business/home apps, I will be dual booting
(or running WinEMU or Wine) to get to my DOS/Windows applications.

Dan "Wishing for MS Office for Linux"

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