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SubjectRe: On the topic of noisy drivers...
On May 4, 12:54am, Alan Clucas wrote:
> > I agree. I get three lines of this/drive. Later, I get one line/drive for
> > hardware sector size. Later, yet, I get one line/drive for partition
> > information. I'm going to see if I can hack some of this to be more terse.
> All of this, at some time suring debugging of hardware/software could be
> useful, and interesting to someone. I don't see the problem with
> outputting as much as possible, so in the case of a problem it can be
> fixed as easilly as possible. The extra disk space writing these via
> syslogd is hardly an issue, and it can't take much extra time....

I'll state this once more for a final bit of clarity. I have absolutely no
qualms with printing out large amounts of debugging information on bootup.
Since it's for debugging, it's for people with knowlege of the system. Since
the knowlegable people are going to read it, it would be fine to compact it
some or shorten some of the comments and spacing. Cryptic is fine. Taking a
whole line to say that a SCSI device is a direct-access SCSI-1 CCS drive is
rediculious. My final point is that some of us have limited options when it
comes to scrollback. If the 'debugging' information scrolls of the screen
before it can be read, it's not too useful for debugging, is it?


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