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Subjectnew kernels dies on my hardware

hello people,

i just have no idea what's wrong with it, and that's why i'm posting
it here:

the problem is, all the relatively new kernels (from 1.3.87 to 1.3.97)
die in ten minutes on my machine. no "oops", not a single word to console
or syslog, nothing -- it just dies, stops swapping and everything else
and only allows to switch between virtual terminals on console, so i have
to power my machine off. as for hardware, i have pci asustek motherboard,
32 megs of ram, one smc-ultra and one wd80x3 ethernet cards, well, nothing
else special. i tried different scsi controllers (pci ncr and aha2940),
but it doesn't matter. as for software, i have gcc-2.7.2, libc-5.2.18,
binutils 2.5.2l.17, no kerneld, both ethernet card drivers built as
modules, as well as ppp/slhc/bsd_comp.
when i boot new kernel (one of the mentiomed above), it lives ok
for 10 - 13 minutes, when dies.
thus, i currently use 1.3.77, and it feels fine. but i'm troubled
by the fact that i don't know why new kernel hangs. if anybody has any
ideas about it, please let me know.


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  Last update: 2005-03-22 13:37    [W:0.043 / U:2.432 seconds]
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