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SubjectRe: SMP Kernel question.
: > Is there a top/uptime/ps for the SMP kernel?  If not, is anyone working
: > on it? If not, can anyone give me some hints on how to get started?
: Same as for uniprocessor. Ok you may find 200% system time being used or
: similar but then thats also how stuff like OSx report it

VMS has done this for years. I believe that OS/MP did that as well,
but don't have a MP machine running it to try that out. The logic
behind it, as it was explained to me, was that the units is in "% of A
CPU in use" so when you have 2 CPUs busy all the time, it reports that
you are using 200% of A cpu, or 2.00 CPUs. In a uniprocessor system,
you'd be using 100% of A cpu, or 1.00 CPUs.


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