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SubjectThings before 2.0 etc etc

I'm not sure if /proc/mounts is designed to eventually have /etc/mtab
symlinked to it, but if it is, it currently lacks quota settings.

On a related note, will filesystems still fail to be mounted in 2.0 if
there is an unknown option (Re: usrquota option mentioned recently).

Anyone got Becker's v0.24 driver for 3c59x cards to work? I dropped it
into 1.3.97 and it seemed to want to allocate IRQ 255 (!), despite the
code appearing to autosense the kernel version and hence the args taken
by request_irq() and its like. I think it exhibited the same behaviour
under 1.3.57.

Finally, are there plans to modularise the IDE stuff in 2.1.x? It's a
fair chunk of code if IDE devices are backup ones that are rarely mounted.

-- Chris

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