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SubjectRe: PPP failure

I've been experiencing poor PPP performance for a while now (it's always
been bad --line noise, I think-- so I wasn't sure if it has actually
gotten worse with the last dozen or so kernels or if it was my
imagination), including frequently dropped connections; but tonight I
had a new experience: the link 'froze' in the middle of a POP mail
transfer to my ISP. I've appended /var/log/messages output to this
note. 'dip -k' and then 'kill'ing the pppd PID didn't resolve
things. I then -HUP'ed inetd and pppd, after which I could re-establish
the link. I only reconnected once despite the duplicated IP address
negotiation messages at the end of the /var/log/messages transcript; is
this normal? Incidentally, my ISP is using OSF/1 on a DEC Alpha.

Whoa! More weirdness! I just checked my outgoing mail logs for the entry
that I was in the midst of sending when PPP failed. There are three
complete and identical entries for this message. They are time-stamped
23:32:51, 23:34:03, and 23:44:47. The last of these is from after I
re-established my connection to my ISP and re-sent the message. I only
tried to send the message once before that.

Kernel: pre2.0.7
ppp: 2.2.0f
modules: 1.3.69f
kerneld: running, but I insmod'ed slhc, ppp, and bsd_comp by hand


-*-*-*-- Win a FREE Alpha!!! --*-*-*-
-*-*- -*-*-


May 22 22:27:56 sullivan kernel: CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of the University of California
May 22 22:27:59 sullivan kernel: PPP: version 2.2.0 (dynamic channel allocation)
May 22 22:27:59 sullivan kernel: PPP Dynamic channel allocation code copyright 1995 Caldera, Inc.
May 22 22:27:59 sullivan kernel: PPP line discipline registered.
May 22 22:28:09 sullivan kernel: PPP BSD Compression module registered
May 22 22:29:47 sullivan kernel: registered device ppp0
May 22 22:29:48 sullivan pppd[231]: pppd 2.2.0 started by root, uid 0
May 22 22:29:48 sullivan pppd[231]: Using interface ppp0
May 22 22:29:48 sullivan pppd[231]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/cua2
May 22 22:29:54 sullivan pppd[231]: local IP address
May 22 22:29:54 sullivan pppd[231]: remote IP address

[duplicate mail log entries here]

May 22 23:36:14 sullivan kernel: Socket destroy delayed (r=0 w=240)
May 22 23:36:21 sullivan su: mhamstra on /dev/ttyp0
May 22 23:36:24 sullivan pppd[231]: Terminating on signal 15.
May 22 23:38:13 sullivan pppd[231]: Terminating on signal 15.
May 22 23:38:13 sullivan pppd[231]: write: Interrupted system call
May 22 23:38:32 sullivan kernel: Swansea University Computer Society IPX 0.34 for NET3.035
May 22 23:38:32 sullivan kernel: IPX Portions Copyright (c) 1995 Caldera, Inc.
May 22 23:38:32 sullivan kernel: Appletalk 0.17 for Linux NET3.035
May 22 23:40:48 sullivan dip[413]: DIP: tty: set_state: Invalid argument
May 22 23:41:24 sullivan pppd[231]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
May 22 23:41:25 sullivan pppd[231]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
May 22 23:41:25 sullivan pppd[231]: Exit.
May 22 23:42:10 sullivan pppd[421]: pppd 2.2.0 started by root, uid 0
May 22 23:42:10 sullivan pppd[421]: Using interface ppp0
May 22 23:42:10 sullivan pppd[421]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/cua2
May 22 23:42:16 sullivan pppd[421]: local IP address
May 22 23:42:16 sullivan pppd[421]: remote IP address
May 22 23:42:23 sullivan pppd[421]: local IP address
May 22 23:42:23 sullivan pppd[421]: remote IP address
May 22 23:42:25 sullivan pppd[421]: local IP address
May 22 23:42:25 sullivan pppd[421]: remote IP address

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