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SubjectRe: dropping kerneld...
On  1 May 96 at 19:06, Matt Hawkins wrote:

> I couldn't believe some of the posts in this thread.
> If you don't want kerneld, DON'T PICK THAT OPTION. Many more _do_ want
> it. I don't want SCSI support in my kernel, so how about I propose we
> remove SCSI support from all kernels from now on? How about networking
> support - I'm sure some people don't want that, or have had problems with
> it, so let's remove networking support from the kernel!
> Here's an idea, how about we just remove the entire kernel? That way
> no-one can complain about support for things they don't want/need.

I think Linus' reasoning for disabling kerneld support was that
kerneld itself is not the kernel; instead the kernel has support for
kerneld. Unfortunately a lot of messages in this list are about
kerneld. Thus I guess Linus just wanted to reduce the amount of
traffic here. (I personally also had the impression that people using
kerneld have more problems than the others; at least more of them
complained). Maybe if if Linus could disable LILO support (asuming
massive complaints about LILO), he would also do it, but
unfortunately he can't, because there is no "Enable LILO support"!

Maybe that's why kerneld is so special...


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