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SubjectWarning: tty->count != ...!
Recently, I have been getting the following error on dumped on my 
current console.

Warning: dev (04:c0) tty->count(2) != #fd's(1) in tty_open
Warning: dev (04:c0) tty->count(2) != #fd's(1) in release_dev
Warning: dev (04:c0) tty->count(2) != #fd's(1) in tty_open
Warning: dev (04:c0) tty->count(2) != #fd's(1) in release_dev
Warning: dev (04:c0) tty->count(2) != #fd's(1) in tty_open
Warning: dev (04:c0) tty->count(2) != #fd's(1) in release_dev

It just flood my screen every now and again (It usually happens when the
harddisk is accessing heavily)

I tracked it down to /usr/src/linux/drivers/char/tty_io.c. It is made the
following function.

static int check_tty_count(struct tty_struct *tty, const char *routine)

I'm pretty much ignorant about linux source code. I don't know the
significance of the above function. (can somebody explain it to me?)

I am using 1.3.57 (a very old but stable revision). Is the problem due to
the hardware I have or the kernel itself? What should I look for? I have
been using this version for quite some time now (four five months) and
this happened to me since a few days ago.



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