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SubjectWanted: YOUR kernel patches. (please read)

Now that there's a code freeze in place, and 2.0 is imminent, there's
probably a load of you with useful patches waiting for the 2.1.x
development kernel so you can get them in.

What I'm going to archive, is _NOT_ bug fix patches (those belong here),
but patches that add extra functionality, anything anyone might find
useful, and that have been overlooked/rejected in the 1.3.x series of

When 2.1.x comes along, Alan Cox has said he'll look at the list and see
what might be useful to put in.

So, if you've got a patch to implement /proc/kitchen_sink, or whatever,
you're more than welcome to upload it to

Nothing _too_ large please (I've just implemented a quota anyway). Please
also include a .readme file saying briefly what the patch does, why it is
useful etc.

Hopefully I'll get a decent response and a fair number of patches. If/when
I do, I'll post the location of the archive so far.


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  Last update: 2005-03-22 13:37    [W:0.034 / U:0.048 seconds]
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