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SubjectToo much traffic on this list -- Summary
First I should like to express my thanks to everybody who answered to my message
"Too much traffic on this list". I got a lot of helpful tips on how to reduce
the daily amount of mails -- far too much to mention everyone by name.
For people that may have the same problem I'll give here a summary of the tips I

1. Changing to an Internet provider without restrictions to a certain number of

2. Getting only a few, big mails per day that contain all the traffic of
linux-kernel from the linux-kernel-digest mailing lists at or doesn't work for me, I don't know why.

3. The list is mirrored to the newsgroup

4. There is a WWW archive on

I have chosen I first wanted
to append to this message a shell script that I am writing so as to make it more
comfortable to deal with the digests. Unfortunately I haven't been able to
finish it up to now, and as I shall not have too much time to work on it in the
next few days, I decided to send this first.
I'll post the script as soon as it's finished.

Christian Hardmeier

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