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Subject1.99.3 net/appletalk/ddp.c *cannot* compile!
Yes, it has a spelling error KERN_WARING at line 883.

What's the story here? This is at least the second time that kernel patches
include errors that show they were not tested at all! This seems very unsusual
during code freeze where everyone is supposed to be doubly careful with
ther changes.

May I suggest again that before releasing a new patch an attempt should be
made to build all options just for the sake of verifying some sanity is
present? It should take a few minutes (10-15) to build *all* modules once.

I am saying the above with the most constructive tone, hoping to save everyone
time when applying new patches. I know we are in a hurry but there is no point
rushing things beyond reason.

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  Last update: 2005-03-22 13:37    [W:1.730 / U:0.088 seconds]
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