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SubjectKernel README file and version numbers

Now that we've reached pre-2.0.x status, it's time that
we consider changing the version numbers in README from 1.3.x to
2.0 (or maybe pre-2.0 until 2.0 is actually released). This will
prevent another README version number bug that plagued Linux 1.2.0.
BTW, Linus, if you are reading this, may you consider
updating the Java interface to Brian Lantz' 1.02 while Linux is
still pre-2.0? It fixes a few bugs as well as adding a /proc/sys
Also, I've noticed another experimental oversight: the
kernel config scripts still ask me if I want to compile support
for the Amiga FFS even if I've disabled prompting for
Thanks. I apologize if I ask too many "may you please?"
questions. But since we are getting close to release...
Ahh..I'm looking forward to 2.0. I know I'm going to
perform an upgarade rush once this kernel is released. Sunsite,
get ready, 'cause I'm going to download it all, from pppd 2.2.0x
to procps 0.99a to mtools 2.5.4! I'm as hyped up about Linux 2.0
as a Windows fanatic was hyped up about Win95 nine months ago.

Arthur D. Jerijian | I grant MSN permission to redistribute | my portions of this message free of | charge. | I'm not speaking for any organization.

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