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SubjectA proposal for the v2.0 logo
Hi. I downloaded the penguin image from Linus's ftp site, and thought
that it would have been a nice symbol if it had not been that complicated.
So I thought to make a very simplified version. This morning I implemented
a catmull-rom spline, this afternoon I manually digitized the
control points for the penguin, and wrote a small program to turn the
spline results to postscript.

I am including here a first result. It is a poor-quality jpeg, but the
idea can be seen...

If you want to give a look at the software, I put a (completely
undocumented) tar-gzipped file on our slow ftp server:

There is the postscript version (ct_ps) and an experimental svga version
(ct) (that actually was born before...). You run the postscript version

ct_ps peng <postscript-output-file>

With small refinements, I believe that this logo could work as a symbol of
our operating system. Anyway, I spent a pleasant day!


* Se la Strada e la sua Virtu' non fossero state messe da parte,
* K * Carlo E. Prelz - che bisogno ci sarebbe
* di parlare tanto di amore e di rettitudine? (Chuang-Tzu)
[unhandled content-type:image/jpeg]
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