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SubjectRe: My personal wish-list
On 29 Apr 96 at 0:27, lilo wrote:

> On Sun, 28 Apr 1996, Graham Mitchell wrote:
> > I dont think this is a good idea.... There will be more and more
> > commonality in the future, as more different architectures start to
> > use PCI eg PowerPC
> Hmmm, PCI on Apple vs. PCI on non-Apple seem to be somewhat of a different
> breed. In any event, there is often a fair amount of code which differs
> between different architectures.

I dont know about that.... Yes there will be some differences, but I
dont think there will be THAT much difference between a PC PCI card
driver and an Apple PCI driver for the same card.

> > > o Option to throw away 'other' architecture code
> >
> > Again no. Lets keep ALL the kernel sources together.
> Sooner or later, the kernel tar file will be separated into several
> different subfiles. It's going to happen, purely by virtue of size.

Yeah..... Thats a good point. A kernel download is getting to be a
serious job these days. The problem is going to be ensuring that all
the subfiles are kept in step. Trying to compile something with
1.3.93 include files, 1.3.95 kernel, and a 1.3.103 file system will
be a nightmare. Even worse, will be when we cant get it to work and
the messages start hitting the list. I also imagine its going to be a
pain for Linus himself when issuing patches.
Maybe one way, would be to have one subfile for each of the
architectures, and a subfile for everything else. Mark EVERY source
and include file with the version number, and when you do a compile,
the first thing make does, is to check the file versions of the whole


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