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SubjectRe: strange login problems?
>>>>> "Andrew" == Andrew Walker <> writes:

Andrew> It's caused by a line I put in 'linux/fs/locks.c', that checks for
Andrew> 'out-of-date' C libraries calling the old flock() emulation in
Andrew> the kernel. [...]

Yup. Noticed that in the patches.

Andrew> Just in time for 1.3.0 I implemented a proper flock() system
Andrew> call with the true BSD semantics, and the C library was
Andrew> updated to use this instead. At that time the development C
Andrew> library was around version 5.1.3. Unfortunately the ELF Linux
Andrew> distributions that we have seen so far still distribute
Andrew> libc-5.0.9 which uses the old broken method.


Andrew> The answer is to get a new C library. If symptoms persist then
Andrew> you must have some old static binaries. Recompile them and the
Andrew> annoying little messages will go away. Or just comment out the
Andrew> line and carry on regardless ;-)

How about the old a.out binaries? I still haven't recompiled some

kayvan@satyr[~]:503$ ldd /usr/local/bin/procmail (DLL Jump 4.6pl27) => /lib/ (DLL Jump 4.6pl27) => /lib/

Is there a version of the a.out shared libs that fixes this as well?

I'm running the ELF libc-5.2.18. That should be okay, right?


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