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SubjectIDE ATAPI cdrom error
Hi, gang

As of early 1.3.9x I get the occasional

hdb: code: 0x70 key: 0x05 asc: 0x64 ascq: 0x00
hdb: command error: status=0x51
hdb: command error: error=0x54
end_request: I/O error, dev 03:40, sector 3

repeated about 10 (?) times, this at a time when a music cd is playing (xcd
1.3 commandline mode, ie it starts the process and exits), at which point
the music (hmmm !) stops and I have to restart it. I also have had this
error reported with absolutely no system / user activity.

Now I wonder about this. I'm running on scsi drives and the cdrom is the
only IDE device in the system. In /etc/fstab the following entry exists

/dev/cdrom /cdrom iso9660 noauto,ro 1 2

(while /dev/cdrom is symlinked to /dev/hdb), so why would the system try to
access the cdrom when it is not mounted ?

The IDE block device support is non-module included in the kernel. I
surmise that other "pertinent" details, such as gcc / libc / blah are not
really applicable, besides the hardware platform, which is P5 (Intel
chipset) and that the cdrom is attached to the primary IDE interface as the
(only and) slave device. Oh, and I run usually the Latest and Greatest (tm)
["Hedgehog II", revenged, revisited, revised, redone, resubmitted, rehacked
- IOW stock, aka "Is there anything more alpha than this ?"]

Any clues ?

Peter Kooiman | Fax : ++27-12-663-4191/2
Paradigm Systems Technology |
Pretoria, South Africa | UUCP : pko@silmaril.UUCP
Voice : ++27-12-672-5700/10 | DNS :

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