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SubjectBSD CCP Compression module?
This module is a good thing, but WHY must it be compiled and loaded 
outside of the kernel? This is a pain, as it then has to have a line in
one of the rc.* scripts to load it up. Also, our main Internet server
admin guy (who, BTW, is pretty experienced in Linux) just learned about
this. If someone could explain this to me a little, maybe I'll see.
Linus? Any ideas? Anyone else want to chime in? I'd be happy to have this
one explained. Also, FWIW, maybe there should be a text file in the
Documentation subdirectory of the source tree to explain this somewhat.

Derrik Pates
Win95 isn't the problem - OS/2 and DOS are. Win95 is the answer.
-- also --
Linux is the answer to the same problem.
-- but --
Linux is free.

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