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Subject1.3.84 - 1.3.90 sudden process lock?
Hello folks, following problem here:

Since Kernel 1.3.84 (no matter if I just apply the patch or replace the
whole tree), I have the following problem after some time of work (about
5 to 10 minutes):
- The machine suddenly stops executing every program
- When I'm in X11, nothing works, no window switching, no X11 server abort
- When I'm running X11 in the background and I'm in text mode while the
crash occurs, I still can change text consoles but no other input is
- When the crash occurred and I'm logging into the Linux box from a remote
terminal via Ethernet link, I get a connection message but no login

Some side notes:
- The error occurs with or without networking code compiled into the Kernel
- It doesn't matter if xdm is running or not
- After cold reboot, e2fsck always tells me that sector 8280 has zero dtime
set, but no other errors pop up

Can anyone help me with this problem?

Hope for any reply,

Manfred Lemke (

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