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SubjectRe: 1.3.88 and stability: Adaptec 2940
I'm not running 1.3.88 (just 1.3.81) but I have major problems.  When I run
certain portions of scilab the machine locks cold - it responds to nothing.
It's interesting because the exact same files coppied from my scsi drive to
my IDE drive will run FLAWLESSLY. The problem has to be with the SCSI card
or the driver software or the kernel (I have tried installing scilab to
various scsi drives and it always hangs in the same place - the only constant
is the scsi card and software). I do not have any problems running programs
from my scsi drive in DOS/WINDOWS (don't you get tired of people saying that?).

I received a letter by snailmail yesterday from adaptec. They mentioned that
auto-termination doesn't work under DOS/WINDOWS using older software drivers
and that termination has to be forced in the setup. I wonder if Linux suffers
from the same problem?

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